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I had a moment about two months ago that has completely shifted my relationship with my biz. At the beginning of this summer, I finally threw my hands up and said “FUCK IT,” with my whole chest. This time it was different, though. It was time to get experimental, creative and fucking shameless about doing […]

Saying “F*CK IT” to overwhelm and “F*CK YEAH” to passion as an online service provider

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Well, it does now 😏 I’ve been talking a ton about working with clients lately because, let’s be honest, it’s what keeps the lights on for us as service providers! The most seamless, smooth client projects have one thing in common – clear boundaries and easy-to-follow structure. BTW, I created a three-part, self-paced workshop covering […]

The Perfect Client Boundaries Guide for Creative Businesses Doesn’t Exi-

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I don’t have to tell you that working with even the most aligned clients can have plenty of ups and downs. Highs like landing a new client can be immediately followed by the lows of stressing over the project, drowning in emails, and chasing people down to get paid. But, what if it didn’t have […]

Client Management Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful – Here’s How to Make It Easier Than Ever for You and Your Clients

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Lately, I’ve been taking a bit of an impromptu break from Instagram to focus on what actually moves the needle in my business instead of feeling soooo beholden to the IG algorithm. First off, I wanna give you a HUGE permission slip to do the same if it feels aligned and second, here’s why I’m […]

Setting Guilt-Free Priorities and Sticking to ‘Em As a Creative Small Business

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“I’m sure on my client’s side things are running smoothly during our projects, but on my end it feels like a hot mess 🔥” SPOILER ALERT: They’re probably not that great for your client either, they just don’t know how much better working with you could be. As an operations consultant, the area I see […]

Here’s Why (and How) To Level Up the Inquiry Process in Your Creative Business Like, Yesterday

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Is there a worse feeling as a creative business owner than checking your inbox to see that someone reached out to you months ago about working together and you never responded? You’ve been marketing your ass off to get people in the door and hearing crickets. Turns out, people were coming your way, they just […]

Here’s Exactly How to Automate Your Inquiry Process with HoneyBook

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I’m just gonna say it; your system isn’t the number one thing holding you back from success in your creative business – your self-sabotage is. You end up in situations that add out-of-scope work to your schedule and convince you to cross your own boundaries with clients because you’re systems aren’t protecting your time or […]

How to Kill Self-Sabotage and Run Your Creative Biz with Confidence

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Lemme ask you something; what would your life look like if you didn’t start every day with the same, boring to-do list? You know the one I’m talking about: ✅ Getting back to each and every one of your leads ✅ Following up to schedule meetings ✅ Posting your latest video on IG ✅ Sending […]

Slaying the Productivity Game: How To Use Automation to Maximize Your Creative Capacity

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Following your intuition, letting inspiration guide you shouldn’t make you feel unsure of what to do to move the needle in your business, let alone how to do it.  As an operations consultant and systems strategist for creative businesses, my goal is to help you bring your vision for your business to life by using […]

woman with curly hair painting jean jacket

3 Ways to Build A Flowy Creative Business Structure That Won’t Kill Your Artistic Vibe

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If you’re stressed out every time you: Your business isn’t flowy – it’s just a fkn mess. DON’T PANIC THO – I’m here to help. I offer Strategy Sessions to tackle these exact issues head on with you, but first… Here’s what’s missing and how to implement it: 🗣️ Consistent messaging 🗣️ Having a newsletter you only […]

Turn Business Chaos into Flow: My Big 3 for Stress-Free Systems