Turn Business Chaos into Flow: My Big 3 for Stress-Free Systems

If you’re stressed out every time you:

  • Take on a new project
  • Try to launch something new
  • Log off to live your freaking life

Your business isn’t flowy – it’s just a fkn mess.

DON’T PANIC THO – I’m here to help. I offer Strategy Sessions to tackle these exact issues head on with you, but first…

Here’s what’s missing and how to implement it:

🗣️ Consistent messaging 🗣️

Having a newsletter you only send when you feel like it or something big’s happening won’t convert people – I’m sorry, I wish that wasn’t true but it is.

An email marketing platform is so much more than a way to send prettier emails. Flodesk is my favorite and it makes sticking to my marketing strategy so straightforward (here’s where you can save 50% off your first year, BTW.)

I use it to:

  • schedule out newsletters
  • segment my audience
  • Create sales pages for my workshops
  • Send all the need to know info for Bloom events to everyone who joins
  • Track analytics to see who’s engaging with your content, what the conversion rate is and when people are most likely to open your messages
  • pinpoint CTAs to the people who are ready to buy from me

Use automation to segment your audience based on buyer behavior, event attendance and more to give your people exactly what they want, even when they want different things.

🧑🏿‍🎤 Stay authentic with clients 🧑🏿‍🎤

Let’s be so honest – you can’t afford to let a bad day cost you clients. That’s where a supportive system comes in. Set yourself up with templates for your most common emails and even DMs to making getting back to people easy.

Not all messages can be automated, but starting with a strong, on-brand template helps you show up for your people as the best version of you and make sure they have all the support they need to say “hell yeah” to working with you. 😝

🤖 Automating boring sh*t 🤖

You started your business to be a creative full time, not a virtual assistant. It’s okay if you aren’t in a place to outsource work, but you can still automate the parts of your business you don’t love.

I use Zapier with a lot of my clients and it makes getting shit done so easy. You can choose from hundreds of platforms to:

  • update your project management tools
  • send personalized emails
  • segment your audience
  • add members and sign ups to events

And so much more. Try it out and thank me later 😘

Not sure where to start with this stuff? A Strategy Session is where we get clear on exactly what you need to implement to make your processes flowy af! Tell me a bit about your biz here and let’s talk about what automated systems look like for you.

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