What comes after your coaching package?

If you’ve gone through coach after coach, but just aren’t seeing the transformation, you don’t need more coaching.

When you get off that Zoom call with your coach, you deflate because you go from that incredible convo about the business that can be into your current biz and all of it’s problems 💨

To collapse your timeline and start seeing the result of all that planning and ideating, you need support in executing not only your normal to-do list, but the additional work toward making this new idea a reality in your business. 

You need a system that can support the growth these coaches are promising you. That means taking all that time-consuming coming off your plate. That’s where supportive systems and operating your business efficiently comes in.

Let’s talk more about how things CURRENTLY look (and feel) in your biz:

😩 You don’t have a system that supports those five- and six-figure launches you want.

The way you’re running things in your biz are still based in survival from the early days of your entrepreneurship journey. Things are still very manual and your to do list is long and never-ending. Just when you think you’re done, it’s a new month and you have to do it all again. 

😩 Things feel stagnant as hell. Because you’re in a constant maintenance loop with your biz, you feel a plateau. That’s why you hired the coach in the first place. You wanna reach the next level, but now that you have a plan, the trouble is finding time to execute it while drowning in busy work

😩“Just starting” feels unsustainable because you know you can’t manually keep up with the strategic plan you’ve built with your coach on your own. You’re dreading your coaching package ending because, at least on those calls, it felt like you were achieving something, and you were! But it’s getting to be action time and you can’t see a path to move forward with your vision without falling behind on your regular work. 

Now, as an operations consultant, here’s what I would do to shift things in your biz to make room for you to work toward your vision.

Focus on how you can make your systems more supportive in the area that was lacking before. Pinpoint where all your time is going and search for solutions there. If you find yourself hunting down past clients to pay you, set up automated reminders for clients and even set invoices to autopay for recurring payments. 

Look at your to-do list and automate as much as you can. This is the time to use the tools in your arsenal to their full potential to get as much time back in your hands as possible. Start automating messaging for new leads, walking them through the pipeline, streamlined and automated onboarding, integrating different platforms to do data entry automatically and SO much more. 

Ask yourself why this project has been stalling and FIX IT. Look at your big, sexy new idea and think about how you can support yourself in making it happen this time. If you need more time, in addition to automating things, block off time on your calendar to dedicate to this. Hack your routine and figure out how to get consistent and start seeing results toward your goal. 

Coaches help you see your potential, craft a vision for yourself and BELIEVE in it, which is beautiful and so important. Bringing that vision to life requires you to be able to work toward that goal when no one is watching.

If you’re ready to turn all that value you got from coaching into action, book a Custom Project to prep your systems for your biz growth spurt. Here’s where you can learn more about my done-for-you process building service and book your free consultation!

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